Watch for Bourdain's daughter "Tess" in the special's rings in 2017!
AKC/ASCA CH Gaitway's Little Black Dress CA CGC "Tess"

Nestled within the picturesque Monterey Peninsula on the Central Coast of California, we are producing top quality Australian Shepherds with excellent temperament for those that appreciate high caliber Australian Shepherds. Although a small hobby kennel, Chances'R turns out ASCA and AKC champions, many titling in conformation, herding, obedience, agility and rally. We continually strive to breed the most versatile Aussie that can do it all!
Australian Shepherds have been recognized in the group at the Westminster Kennel Club a total of six times. We are very proud at Chances' R Aussies to own the dogs winning three of those six placements.


November 13, 2016 - Again, from the 6-9 puppy classes Chances' R Sam I Am, "Sam" wins Winners Bitch! We are over the moon happy! She is a little show machine, we are extremely proud of her.
November 12, 2016 - At the Napa Valley Kennel Club, we are so proud of our Chances' R Sam I Am! From the 6-9 puppy bitch class winning WB, BOW, and on top of that winning Puppy Herding Group 1! Thank you Elizabeth Jordan-Nelson and Larry Fenner for the a great start to Sam's show career.
October 2, 2016 - New ASCA CH Chances' R Don't Stop Believin' - "Journey" (Slide x Kenji). Thank you Moira Hanley-Cornell for handling Journey to his ASCA Championship, Sharon Rapadas and I are so proud of him. He looked great thanks to you and Cassie. Congratulations to Slide and Kenji for another CH from their litter!

September 10, 2016 - We are so proud of Amanda Svensson and her girl Chances' R Interviews Like Amy G. "Zia" won HIT Agility Novice Dog at 2016 CASA pre-trail in Albany, OR the week of the ASCA National!

August 6, 2016 - NEW AKC CH Gaitways Little Black Dress "Tess" (Bourdain x Revi) - Congrats to Kimberly Kramer, Ron Kramer and Abby on their new Champion! Also congrats to her breeders Bonnie Hong and Maureen Ames. And thank you to our handlers Larry Fenner, Elizabeth Jordan Nelson, Laurie Jordan-Fenner. Tess looked wonderful today!
May 7, 2016 - An exciting weekend for our bred by boy "Phantom" - New ASCA CH Chances' R Music of the Night NAJ (Kenji x Slide). Phantom won two majors under Breeder Judges to finish his ASCA Championship. Congrats to his owner Diana Hefti!